There’s no sexier thing a man can do than blow into a Goldeneye cartridge ready to get his f*ck on. Well prepare to become sexual wrath (David Hasselhoff) because Nintendo 64 is kind of coming back.
This potential N64 reboot follows in the footsteps of other successful retro console revivals, such as the NES Classic and SNES Classic, both of which flew off shelves faster than a Blue Shell in Mario Kart 64. However, unlike those plug-and-play mini consoles, the new N64 might support original cartridges, giving longtime fans a reason to dust off their collections.
A company called Analogue has recreated the N64 that you can pop old N64 games like Duke Nukem, All Star Quarterback, NWO Revenge, WHATEVER and not only will it play them….it will upscale them to 4K. It uses HDMI to hook up to your flatscreen as well. The one thing that sucks big ole Donkey Kong wang is that it doesn’t come with an N64 controller. They sell their own bluetooth controller on the side for a cool $40. Which sucks. The price is also a little high at $249.99 and has been available for pre-order since October. They are saying it could release as soon as the first quarter of 2025. Which is like, now.
Here’s the original post:
If you’re now in the mood, and I know I am……come play this scary ass game AMENTI with J and I to celebrate his birthday. By scaring the shit out of him.